Eternal Deployment

This page is dedicated to those TCH shipmates who have departed on the Eternal Deployment. If you know of shipmates who have passed away, please let us know so that we may honor them here.

NOTE: Please see the links below for available Obituaries.

** These three shipmates were killed in an auto accident in Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico July 22,1976. Two other TCH sailors survived the accident.

NameRate/RankYears on TC Hart
Harry AllenRM280-83 
Loreto Armenta JrBM375-79 (est)
Phil BalcerzakCMC91-93 
Bruce BanksOSSNUnk
Daniel R. Baez **FN73-76
Nolan BassEM289-92
Stephan  BjorkEN375-75
William Mack “Bob” BlountLT77-79
Thomas BrennanLT89-92
Richard BrewerET280-84 (est)
Oswald W. Branham **STG376
Paul “Chris” BrugananoBT184-86
Robert S. BurnetteBTFN82-85
Mike CarlLCDR79-81
Rob CluteEN373-76
Garry N. CollinsLT86-89
Thomas Conyers IIHT385-89
Frederick CookRMC92.93
Stafford E. CumberledgeRM273-75
John DragovichSTG181-85
Anthony D. EdwardsSH390-91 (est)
Robert James FeeneyIC287-90
Ronald Fiscus
Ronald J. Forst
Jerome GadsonQM389-93
Nick GalloSM283-88
John GilbertENS83-84
James Cameron GlennSM376-79
James GrahamGMCSTBD-91 (est)
Butch HadderOS275-77
Tim HaydenLT81-84
Audra. J. Henderson **BTFA74-76
Gregg R. HoslerQM81-83
Alan W. JohnsonSH189-91
David Jones
Charles Krohne
Jimmy LambertRMCM85-90
Larry Vernon LangOS276-77
Charles “Chuck” LawlorPNCS81-83
William LeezerSTG273-76
Martin LetitiaGMG274-78 (est)
Rex LocklearHT184-87
Leon T. Lyons, JrEW290-93
Jack McKenzieRMC73-76
John (Skip) MacMichaelCAPT (CO)83-85
David Edwin MallowSTG173-76 
Glenn E. Marshall JrGMG275-78 (est)
Freddie Francis MayesMMCS73-76
Thomas MillerRM278-81
John Francis Molloy, Jr.OS184-87 (est)
Edward MorningstarGMTCS76-78 (est)
Robert MoserLT74-77
Todd MossSTGSN85-89
Wayne MurrayMS179-83
William O’ConnellEWC74-77
Dennis O’HaraSTGCS73-76
Kelly PageDC390-93
Archie ParksQMSN86-89
Keith PartonBM280-84
Don PearsonQMC82-85
Clayton PhillipsSM173-75
Robert J PhillipsGMGCS88-90
John “Rusty” PinsonPN376-80
Gerald J. PolenskyBT176-79
Henry (Hank) RybaRM276-79(est)
William ShepherdLTjg78-81(est)
James ShortridgeOSC86-89 (est)
Jerry SmithSTGSN77-79
Wesley SmithENSUnk
Wesley StanfillAMH382-82
Norman StovallUNKUNK
Timothy TedersMM375-78
Hal UnruhSMC73-76
Dean R VeikBM381-83
Leroy VoightHT380-83
Brian WeaverEM378-82 (est)
Frank WhalenCAPT (CO)81-83
Eric WhidbeeBM187-90
Jimmy Ray WilkersonMMC73-75
David Lee WilliamsSTG379-81
Ronald L. WilsonHMC73-75
Ron WoodRM177-79
Doug YoungPN384-87
Please click the links below to view Shipmates Obituaries