This was a great event! Our host, Steve and Dee Garcia, put on a super reunion. A super time was had by all! The 2011 Reunion page is “under construction”. We’ll have some photos and information up real soon! Please check back often. In the meantime, take a look at our past reunion events! Thanks!
Shipmates and Guests Photo Gallery
Reunion 2011 is over and what a great time we had! Check back from time to time as we post photos and stories of the event! A very heartfelt thanks is due to NC1 Steve Garcia and his wife Dee for coordinating and arranging all aspects of the reunion. They both worked tirelessly to make this event a smashing success. We wish you all could have attended! Also another special thanks goes to LCDR Chad “Finch” Welborn for the great inside tour of his active F/A-18 squadron, Strike Fighter Squadron ONE THREE ONE at NAS Oceana! Chad devoted several hours of his busy day to serve as tour guide. Shipmates toured the office spaces of the squadron including Maintenance Control, Paraloft, and the Ready Room. The hangar and flight line were also part of the up close look at those awesome airplanes! The tour also included a visit to the F/A-18 flight simulator and one of our group actually flew the aircraft in the simulator, while others watched. Wow, flying at 700 knots at treetop level from Oceana to NavSta Norfolk makes for an exciting, albeit, short trip! Chad was a Storekeeper on TCH during his first enlistment in the Navy. He was also Petty Officer of the Watch during the decommissioning ceremony and transfer to the Turkish Navy. He did his duty so well, he has a very special and important historical piece of memorabilia! The ensign he lowered from the TCH mast at decommissioning remains in his possession and has accompanied Chad, in the cockpit, on combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. What a special story!

Reunions are really great! Here Kevin Morrissey (LCDR 86-89) & Garry Collins (LT 86-89) talk about old times on the TCH. Kevin was the Weapons Officer and Garry was the SUPPO.
The bottom photo taken along the waterfront in Ste Maxime France in July of 1988 shows Kevin and Garry with the wives, Becky and Marylyn. Some of the wives made the trip over to the Med during the 88 cruise!