These shipmates are active members of TCHVA. If your name doesn’t appear on the listing, perhaps your dues expired, you haven’t yet joined us, or simply we have not recently updated the table to include recent joiners (we appreciate your patience)!
PLEASE NOTE: If your name no longer appears in the Member Listing, our records indicate your membership has lapsed. So please consider renewing your membership as soon as feasible and for $20.00 (for 2 calendar years) you’ll get credit through 31 Dec 2026!
Joining/Renewing: Annual enrollment is in January of each year, and we suggest paying $20 which covers two calendar years of membership! Just click the “JOIN TCHVA!” link to join/renew!
Our Board has decided that the surviving spouse of a former member who wishes to remain engaged with TCHVA should simply let us know and we’ll include you as an Auxiliary Member at no charge. That way you can stay engaged with the friends and shipmates you have come to know over the years, plus stay up to date with the events and news about TCHVA.
Recognize any of these shipmates? Why not join them? We’d appreciate your support!
Click on the “Join or Renew” menu button on the right! Thanks!
S. Afong | LTJG | 82-85 |
D. Altwies | RM1 | 85-89 |
J. Aragon | YN3 | 73-75 |
R. Babb | ET1 | 75-77 |
J. Batton | FTG3 | 74-76 |
R. Baylis | YN2 | 73-77 |
D. Belliveau | IC3 | 76-78 |
R. Berry | MM2 | 76-79 |
W. Bingenheimer | IC2 | 73-76 |
T. Black | LT | 87-90 |
W. Boldt | OS3 | 88-91 |
J. Bowers | LT | 87-90 |
P. Bragonier (Adm Hart’s grandaughter) | Ship’s Sponsor | Honorary |
M. Cady | OS2 | 76-77 |
J. Childress | YNC | 73-77 |
R. Church | FTG2 | 73-77 |
T. Clark | ETR2 | 73-75 |
J. Clay | STG3 | 90-93 |
D. Coleman | STG1 | 73-77 |
R. Coleman | HM2 | 73-75 |
M. Collins | Auxiliary Member | |
L. Cooper | FTG2 | 73-75 |
P. Coste | LCDR | 81-82 |
E. Crow | OSCS | 85-88 |
S. Cruikshank | BT3 | 86-89 |
D. Cymerman | OS3 | 86-89 |
M. Dammer | GMT2 | 77-81 |
P. Dobrosky | ET2 | 89-93 |
O. Duran | PC3 | 83-87 |
J. Ebata | BTFN | 86-90 |
L. Edwardsen | STG2 | 81-86 |
R. Emry | LT | 89-91 |
T. Esposito | LTjg | 79-81 |
P. Ferchau | BT2 | 87-90 |
R. Fisher | EN3 | 74-78 |
P. Ford | BM2 | 73-76 |
B. Franklin | EN2 | 86-90 |
R. Funkhouser | ETCS(SW) | 88-91 |
K. Gaffney | CSSN/DK3 | 73-76 |
A. Gales | BT2 | 90-92 |
N. Gandara | SN | 74-76 |
M. Garcia | FTG2 | 77-79 |
S. Garcia | NC1 | 84-87 |
R. Giles | LTjg | 75-78 |
B. Hamlet | LTjg | 85-88 |
S. Holliday | DC1 | 85-90 |
D. Hubbard | ET2 | 84-89 |
J. Ishee | STG2 | 78-81 |
M. Jones | SHC | 74-76 |
R. Koshko | EW1 | 75-79 |
G. Kreisher | MM1 | 85-89 |
M. Lamboni | LTJG | 76-79 |
T. Layman | YNC | 89-92 |
J. Leatherwood | BT1 | 85-88 |
P. Leblanc | HT2 | 73-76 |
F. Longenecker | LT | 84-87 |
J. Lopez | BM3 | 89-92 |
P. Luschenat | IC2 | 79-83 |
J. MacMichael | Auxiliary Member | |
A. Macy | LT (RADM) | 85-86 |
G. Mansfield | RM2 | 88-91 |
J. Marchetta | PO3 | 87-90 |
L. Martin | RM2 | 73-76 |
W. McGloon | CDR (CAPT) (CO) | 92-93 |
N. Mertz | STG1 | 73-76 |
E. Mettendorf | EWCS | 89-93 |
B. Mitchell | LTjg | 90-93 |
G. Mojica | MM1 | 86-91 |
K. Morrissey | LCDR | 86-89 |
B. Neihart | FC1 | 83-87 |
D. Neimeyer | LTJG | 75-77 |
G. Nelms | IC2 | 74-76 |
L. Nick | CAPT (CO) | 85-87 |
M. Osborn | Honorary | |
E. Parker | FN | 86-89 |
D. Paul | HM1(SW/AW) | 91-93 |
P. Perkins | SK1(SW) | 80-84 |
R. Pilcher | LT | 79-81 |
O. Read | CDR | 86-88 |
O. Reams, Jr | LCDR | 90-92 |
D. Rollins | CAPT (CO) | 89-91 |
R. Rooks | QM2 | 73-77 |
S. Ruerup | OS2 | 73-76 |
M. Schmitt | STG1 | 79-83 |
D. Schubert | ETN3 | 73-75 |
T. Sexton | BT2 | 75-80 |
W. Shank | LT | 87-90 |
C. Sharpe | LT | 89-91 |
G. Smith | MSSN | 73-76 |
J. Smith | EN2 | 84-85 |
W. Sneed | OS2 | 77-80 |
K. Staten | OS1 | 87-92 |
D. St John | STG2 | 77-80 |
J. Swayze | EM1 | 74-77 |
K. Sweet | MR2 | 85-89 |
M. Truitt | OS2 | 80-85 |
J. Tumminello | FC3 | 84-87 |
B. Tylock | EM2 | 78-83 |
D. Vasconcellos | FTG2 (Retired FCCM/CMC) | 77-82 |
T. Waite | STG3 | 83-85 |
D. Walker | STG1 | 86-90 |
S. Walker | LT | 89-93 |
C. Weiler | LTjg | 86-89 |
T. Wiechelt | LT | 89-91 |
W. Wingfield | IC2 | 89-93 |
S. Yearby | OS2 | 79-83 |
J. Zamorski | LTjg | 76-80 |